Publix coupon policy is changing April 4th. Stores are unsure of all the details but a source did tell me the the stores are only going to only allow competitors coupons that are with 15 miles of the store. There are also some unconfirmed rumors about the BOGO's meaning you have to get three of them to get the one free if using coupons on both….. I'm scratching my head on this one so when I hear something I will let you know.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Publix 3-29-11

So here's another shopping trip. Please keep in mind that we utilized "Money Makers" on this trip meaning, if a product costs $2.00 and then we have a $4.00 coupon, the product is free and the other $2.00 will then be deducted from your receipt. So needed less to say we had a lot of similar coupons. Also included in this was (5) $50.00 gas cards.