Here are some most common coupon lingo you might hear:
AR - After Rebate
BLINKIES - These are found in stores in a box most offten the box will have a red blinking light on it
BOGO or B1G1F - Buy one get one free
CRT - Cash register tape
Double Coupon - Means the value of the coupon is doubled at the register. (Kmart at times)
ECB - Extra Care Bucks ECB's are a CVS exclusive
GDA - Good Deal Alert - heads up to a deal you should go get
IVC - Walgreen's Instant Value Coupon- coupons from the weekly ad or ESR booklet
IP - Internet printable coupon
MANU - Coupon issued from the manufacture
NED - No expiration date - rare coupons that never expire
OOP - Out of Pocket - money paid after coupons
OOS - Out of Stock - get a rain check for these items!
P&G - Proctor & Gamble Sunday insert coupons
RC - Raincheck - your best friend if you coupon!
SS - Smart Source or Sunday Insert coupons
STACKING - When you to use a store coupon and a manu coupon on the same item
TEAR PAD - A pad of refund forms or coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display